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Public Comment Sought for EPA Particulate Matter Research

Release Date: 06/23/2004
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819/[email protected]

(06/23/04) To improve monitoring and regulation of air pollutants, three draft chapters of the “Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter(PM AQCD) were released by EPA today for public comment and review. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA established National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six principal or “criteria” pollutants, which include particulate matter (PM). Periodically, EPA reviews the scientific basis for these standards by preparing an Air Quality Criteria Document (AQCD). The AQCD is the scientific basis for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation decisions as to the adequacy of the current PM NAAQS and the appropriateness of new or revised standards for PM 2.5 (fine particles) or PM 10 (coarse particles). The draft PM AQCD Chapters 7 (Toxicology), 8 (Epidemiology), and 9 (Integrated Summary) incorporate revisions made in response to earlier external review of those chapters. On July 20 and 21, 2004, the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), an independent review committee and part of the EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB), will review these draft chapters at a public meeting. The draft chapters are available at: under “What’s New.” CD-ROM and hard copies of the draft documents can also be obtained by contacting Diane Ray at 919-541-3637.