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Clovis to get cleaner, greener with $200,000 from EPA

Release Date: 04/07/2008
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Tressa Tillman at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

More than $5 million in brownfields funding awarded across region

(Dallas, Texas – April 7, 2008) The City of Clovis will be working to transform a polluted property into a community asset with the help of $200,000 in brownfields grants from the Environmental Protection Agency.

More than $5 million in brownfields grants were announced today across EPA Region 6, which includes Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.

“EPA continues to use the brownfields program to stimulate environmental and economic success in our communities,” said EPA Regional Administrator Richard E. Greene. “This program is a great example of how federal and local groups can work together to turn contaminated properties into viable developments.”

Brownfields are vacant, abandoned or under-used properties with redevelopment potential that suffer from known or perceived environmental contamination.

Clovis will use its grant clean up the former Hotel Clovis property on North Main Street. The site is contaminated with inorganic substances. Once the cleanup is complete, the city plans to redevelop the property into an affordable, senior housing complex with ground-floor retail space.

Since the beginning of the program in 1995, EPA’s south central region has leveraged $2.3 billion in brownfields cleanup and redevelopment, helped create 10,700 jobs and supported the assessment of 750 properties. The brownfields program encourages redevelopment of America's estimated 450,000 abandoned and contaminated waste sites. Nationally, brownfields assistance has attracted more than $11.3 billion in private investment, helped create more than 48,000 jobs and resulted in the assessment and cleanup of nearly 12,000 properties.

Additional information on the brownfields recipients and their projects is available at

To learn more about activities in EPA Region 6, please visit

An EPA audio file is available at
