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Water security and you

Release Date: 11/3/2003
Contact Information:

      Denver -- Local drinking water and wastewater systems may be targets for terrorists and other would-be criminals wishing to disrupt and cause harm to your community water supplies or wastewater facilities.

Because utilities are often located in isolated areas, drinking water sources and wastewater collection systems may cover large areas that are difficult to secure and patrol. Residents can help by noticing and reporting any suspicious activity in and around local water utilities. Residents interested in protecting their water resources and community can join together with law enforcement, neighborhood watch groups, water suppliers, wastewater operators, and other local public health officials. If you witness suspicious activities, report them to your local law enforcement authorities.

Examples of suspicious activity might include:

< People dumping or discharging material to a water reservoir
< People climbing or cutting a utility fence
< Unidentified truck or car parked or loitering near waterway or facilities for no apparent reason
< Suspicious opening or tampering with manhole covers, buildings, or equipment
< People climbing or on top of water tanks
< People photographing or videotaping utility facilities, structures or equipment
< Strangers hanging around locks or gates

Do not confront strangers. Instead, report suspicious activities to local authorities.

When reporting an incident:

< State the nature of the incident
< Identify yourself and your location
< Identify location of activity
< Describe any vehicle involved (color, make model, license plate #)

For free outreach materials regarding water security, go to