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EPA Solicits Proposals for Up to $800,000 in Brownfields Grants for Low-Income Communities Throughout the Country

Release Date: 09/24/2004
Contact Information:

Dave Ryan 202-564-7827 / [email protected]

(09/24/04) EPA is now accepting proposals for training, research, technical assistance and cooperative agreement grants focusing on health and environmental conditions in low-income and socio-economically disadvantaged communities unable to get alternative sources of funding for Brownfields cleanups. EPA hopes these grants will stimulate redevelopment, economic revitalization, and other beneficial reuse of land. The deadline for proposals is Nov. 16, 2004. The winners are expected to be named in February 2005.

These grants are authorized by the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002.

EPA will only consider proposals that emphasize:
  • Community Involvement in low-income and socio-economically disadvantaged communities;
  • Integrated approaches to Brownfields cleanup and redevelopment in low-income and socio-economically disadvantaged communities. Integrated approaches explore linkage between Brownfields and other environmental, economic, and social issues, including: port and waterfront utilization, transportation planning, city and regional planning, etc.;
  • How the economics of Brownfields cleanup and redevelopment impact low-income and socio-economically disadvantaged communities.

The grants will be in the form of a cooperative agreement. Eligible applicants include: governmental and non-profit organizations, as well as public and non-profit private universities. For-profit organizations are not eligible and may not submit "joint" applications with eligible applicants.

EPA estimates that $800,000 will be available to make awards under this competition and up to three grants may be awarded depending on the quality of the applications. EPA intends to fund successful applicants for periods ranging from 1-5 years, contingent upon the availability of funds. The Agency reserves the right to offer partial funding for specific components of applications. EPA may also decide to make only one award or no awards, if warranted, by changes in Agency funding obligations.

For more detailed information and assistance regarding the application process, go to: . You may also contact the Office of Brownfields Cleanup and Redevelopment at 202-566-2777.