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Seaford School District ENERGY STAR Leader - Again

Release Date: 01/15/2008
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith, 215-814-5543, [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (January 15, 2008) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is recognizing the Seaford School District, Seaford, Del. as an ENERGY STAR Leader for the second year in a row. As an ENERGY STAR Leader, the district has tracked its energy use and made improvements resulting in improved energy performance by 10 percent.

"We applaud Seaford for the school district's success in energy efficiency. Many people say they want to reduce their carbon footprint. The district is doing it. The district is making real progress as an ENERGY STAR Leader, looking for ways to conserve energy and find opportunities to use alternative energy sources," said Donald S. Welsh, EPA's mid-Atlantic regional administrator.

Since less energy efficiency means less pollution and more savings, this initiative benefits the 3,447 students in the District's six school buildings and its tax payers. The district reports that energy conservation efforts are making a difference -- electrical consumption and peak demand usage are down significantly. In 2005, Seaford School District already was the most efficient district in Delaware.

Seaford has succeeded in becoming a top performer among the ENERGY STAR Leaders. The 2007 energy efficiency rating of its portfolio puts Seaford School District among the top 11 percent in energy performance nationwide. Seaford School District has saved electricity this year equal to the electricity used to power 35 households or to run 49 cars and light trucks.

EPA's list of ENERGY STAR Leaders has grown to more than 50 organizations, almost two-thirds of which are school districts, adding 15 school districts in 2007. Combined, each year they have reduced greenhouse gas emissions equal to those from more than 30,000 U.S. homes.

Energy Star was introduced by EPA in 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency. Now, the ENERGY STAR label can be found on products, new homes and commercial buildings. Last year, Americans using Energy Star saved $14 billion on their energy bills while reducing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those of 25 million vehicles. Learn more on the web at:
