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Florida Man Indicted for Falsifying Engine Emissions Tests

Release Date: 03/26/2003
Contact Information:

Teresa Libera 202-564-7873/[email protected]

03/26/2003 - Michael C. Shetley, owner and operator of FAPCO Inc. in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., was indicted on March 12 for allegedly submitting a false engine emissions report to the U.S. EPA. The emissions reports are required under the Clean Air Act and Shetley had been hired by the Hercules Engine Company of Canton, Ohio to conduct an emissions test and submit the results to the EPA. Shetley conducted the test in early 1998 on one Hercules diesel engine and then on March 18, 1998, he submitted a false result to the government. His report concealed that the diesel engine exceeded emission standards for smoke. Engines exceeding the emissions standards for smoke can contribute to the degradation of air quality and worsen the health problems of people who have lung disease and respiratory illnesses. The indictment was filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio in Cleveland. The defendant faces a maximum sentence of up to two years in prison and/or a maximum fine of up to $250,000, if convicted. The case was investigated by EPA’s Criminal Investigation Division and is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Cleveland. An indictment is merely an allegation and all defendants are presumed innocent unless or until proven guilty in a court of law.