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Radon is 2nd leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. – Act now to reduce risk

Release Date: 12/30/2010
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith, 215-814-5543, [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA ( Dec. 30, 2010) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has created several free, publicly-available graphics about radon and a new public service announcement campaign for print, television, and radio at

    EPA’s newest campaign is Living Healthy & Green.
      We want Americans to know that a big part of living green is breathing clean, healthy indoor air. One of the best ways to protect our families’ health is to get radon gas out of our homes. It’s the environmentally responsible choice that can help reduce lung cancer. Since radon enters homes from under the ground, living healthy and green starts from the ground up. By preventing radon from entering homes, every family can have safer, healthier air to breathe.
        EPA developed Living Healthy & Green to educate the public about how easy it can be to mitigate radon. Part of the campaign features former NFL kicker Fuad Reveiz, now a home builder, who uses radon-resistant construction and encourages others to do the same.
          The campaign features 30 and 60 second television spots and seven unique music genres for radio stations and MP3 players. The entire campaign is available in multiple media formats and sizes for newspapers, magazine, billboards and the Web in both English and Spanish. Elements can be viewed and ordered on line at