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EPA Actions Will Assure Air Permitting Programs Run Consistently and Smoothly

Release Date: 03/01/2007
Contact Information: John Millett, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(3/1/07) EPA is revising parts of its permitting process for certain new or modified industrial facilities in areas that do not meet EPA's health-based national air quality standards for ground-level ozone and fine particle pollution. The agency is taking two actions to ensure nationwide consistency as states implement the New Source Review (NSR) air permitting program.

In the first action, EPA is updating a section of its NSR regulations known as "Appendix S". Appendix S contains requirements states must rely upon to implement NSR in areas where the agency has not yet approved a state plan to implement the program. Appendix S will remain in place until EPA approves a state's implementation plan. This action will ensure national consistency with 2002 NSR reform rules for permitting new or modified industrial facilities in areas working to attain and maintain national air quality standards.

In the second action, EPA is seeking comment on two options for improving recordkeeping and reporting requirements for sources which make modifications that do not trigger NSR. EPA seeks input on whether a source should use its projected actual emissions increases or potential emissions increases as the basis for determining whether recordkeeping and reporting are required. EPA will accept comment on this rule for 60
days after publication in the Federal Register.

For more information on both actions: