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Rocky Mountain Clean Diesel Collaborative to host Clean Diesel Conference

Release Date: 10/18/2006
Contact Information: Kerri Fiedler, 303-312-6493, [email protected] Jeff Kimes, 303-312-6445, [email protected]

Participants and vendors must register by Friday, October 20

      (Denver, Colo. - October 18, 2006) The Rocky Mountain Clean Diesel Collaborative (RMCDC), led by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will host a clean diesel conference in Denver on Nov. 1 and 2. The conference will educate public and private diesel fleet owners about EPA's clean diesel initiative.

      The conference will bring together key public and private parties to find cost-effective, business savvy strategies for reducing diesel emissions from both on- and off-road diesel vehicles, from school buses to bulldozers. This conference is part of a broader effort to control diesel pollution from all sources.

      The two-day conference will feature a variety of discussion topics presented in both forum and panel discussion settings. Emission reduction technologies and cleaner diesel fuels are the focus during the morning session on day one with a transition into how those technologies work with case study presentations in the afternoon. Day two of the conference will focus on funding opportunities and the grant application process.

      Recently, more than $500 million in federal funding became available for interested parties wishing to participate in clean diesel programs. In the afternoon of day two, participants may participate in a refinery tour at Suncor Energy (U.S.A.) Inc. in Commerce City, Colo. Suncor recently completed construction on a project that allows them to produce ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.

      Working at both the local and regional levels, the RMCDC and its partners address diesel emissions using a variety of strategies, including public education, linking and expanding the scope of existing programs, creating new partnerships, programs, and agreements to reduce emissions, and demonstrating new technologies. The RMCDC's specific activities include retrofitting or replacing engines and vehicles, implementing idling reduction strategies and promotion of cleaner diesel fuel.

      For more information regarding registration or vendor participation at the 2006 Rocky Mountain Clean Diesel Conference please visit:

      The RMCDC is a partnership between EPA Region 8, the Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC), Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE), and the Denver Department of Environmental Health. The Collaborative is looking at opportunities to expand into the private, nonprofit and government sectors outside the Denver-metropolitan area to reduce diesel emissions and protect public health.

      Questions about EPA's Clean Diesel or Clean School Bus programs can be directed to Kerri Fiedler, (303) 312-6493, [email protected] or Jeff Kimes, (303) 312-6445, [email protected].