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EPA Proposes Two More Sites To The Superfund National Priorities List in New Jersey; Sites in South Plainfield and Linden Go Final

Release Date: 07/27/1998
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(#98088-C) NEW YORK, N.Y. -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to add two new sites in New Jersey, the Federal Creosote site in Manville Borough and the Route 561 Dump site in Gibbsboro, to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL). EPA also announced that the Cornell-Dubilier site in South Plainfield and the LCP Chemical site in Linden, which were proposed for inclusion on the list last year, have been officially designated Superfund sites. These additions will bring the total number of federal Superfund sites in New Jersey to 109.

The NPL is the federal list of the nation's worst hazardous waste sites. The Agency periodically proposes sites to the NPL and designates proposed sites as final. Proposed sites are investigated further to determine the extent of the risks they may pose to human health and the environment. Sites that are placed on the final NPL are eligible for long-term "remedial action" financed under the federal Superfund Trust Fund.

According to EPA Regional Administrator Jeanne M. Fox, "The proposed listing of the New Jersey sites means that EPA can begin comprehensive evaluations of the contamination, which will lead to plans for permanently cleaning up the sites. If the responsible parties do not investigate the problem, the proposed listing allows the federal Superfund program to pay for this work. Without Superfund, sites like these could remain contaminated and a threat to the health of communities throughout the country."

The following is a description of the two sites in New Jersey to be proposed for the NPL:

The Federal Creosote site in Manville Borough is a 137-property residential community known as the Claremont Development which is located over a former railroad tie creosoting facility. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) requested EPA assistance in determining if the presence of creosote in the soils of the development posed a significant risk to public health and the environment. EPA sampling in the spring of 1998 at numerous residential properties within the Claremont Development indicated the presence of constituents of creosote, as well as other compounds, at elevated levels in the surface soils on 20 residential properties. EPA is working with the residents of those properties to ensure that the residents avoid direct contact with the bare soil. Future EPA actions will involve further delineation of the contamination and the development of comprehensive plans to address the problems associated with the site.

The Route 561 Dump site in Gibbsboro was previously used as a paint waste disposal area. The NJDEP investigated the property in June 1994 and found inorganic compounds in soils and a wetland area on the site. In August 1995, EPA sampling confirmed the presence of the inorganic compounds in on-site soils and downstream sediments. Future EPA actions will involve further characterization of the extent of the contamination and development of comprehensive cleanup plans for the problems associated with the site.

The following describes two sites in New Jersey that will be put on the final NPL:

The Cornell-Dubilier Electronics site in South Plainfield, where EPA recently performed interior cleanups of seven private homes adjacent to the site and is currently negotiating with responsible parties to undertake soil cleanups in residential yards, has been the subject of extensive on-site and off-site EPA sampling. In addition, federal activities over the last year have included supervision of a private party financed Superfund interim removal action to safeguard workers and the public from exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soils on the property.

EPA sampling found PCB-contaminated sediments in an adjacent stream and tissue samples of fish collected in area waterways showing unsafe levels of PCB contamination. This prompted the state to issue a fish advisory on the consumption of certain species taken from the Bound Brook and New Market Pond.

Future EPA actions will involve further investigations into the sources and extent of contamination both on-site and in nearby areas and the development of cleanup plans for the problems posed by the site.

The LCP CHEMICAL site in Linden was the subject of an EPA investigation in 1995 that showed evidence of mercury contamination in surface soils, surface waters and sediments from past chemical manufacturing and disposal practices. While the facility was operating in the early 1970s, there were a number of lagoon overflows and spills at the site. The state oversaw the closure of the lagoon used to dispose of mercury-contaminated sludge in 1984. Future actions will involve the continuation of a comprehensive investigation of the site to determine the extent of contamination.

The NPL rule is being published in the Federal Register today. For members of the public interested in obtaining copies of the notice, an updated NPL list or site descriptions, please contact the RCRA/Superfund Hotline at 1-800-424-9346 or 703-412-9810.

NOTE TO EDITORS: Reporters should contact Rich Cahill at (212) 637-3666 for the above information.

For more information contact:
Richard Cahill, Press Office
EPA Region 2
290 Broadway
NY, NY 10007-1866
Voice: 212-637-3666 FAX: 212-637-5046 E-Mail: [email protected]