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EPA, Alaska, Air Force Agree on Pollution Controls at Eielson

Release Date: 4/16/2001
Contact Information: Jeff Kopf and John Pavitt
[email protected]
(206) 553-1477 and (907) 271-3688

April 16, 2001 - - - - - - - - - - 01-10

The regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency announced today that the U.S. Air Force has agreed to pay $100,000 in penalties and substantially improve air pollution controls at the Eielson Air Force Base located near Fairbanks, Alaska.
The EPA-Alaska-U.S.A.F. agreement stems from a September 2000 Notice of Violation the EPA issued to the Air Force for violations of its federal Clean Air Act permit at its Central Heat and Power Plant.

Under the terms of the agreement the Air Force will
– study how best to control “fugitive”, or dust, emissions from the base;
– create a fugitive emissions control plan;
– upgrade outdated street sweepers which do not adequately control road-borne dust; and
– request adequate FY2003 military construction funding for emissions controls.

“Eielson Air Force Base sets the standard for environmental protection at defense bases,” said Acting EPA Regional Administrator, Chuck Findley. “The folks at Eielson understand that they have an emissions problem. But more than that, they’re doing something about it. We appreciate their commitment to protect the environment and obey the law.

“We’re very happy with the way this agreement has come together and for what it will mean for the air quality around the base.”

Failure to comply with the terms of the agreement could earn the Air Force penalties of up to $27,500 per day.