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EPA awards $10,000 to two Twin Cities groups for workshops
Release Date: 8/4/2005
Contact Information:
CONTACT: Kären Thompson, (312) 353-8547
For Immediate Release
No. 05-OPA134
CHICAGO (Aug. 4, 2005) — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has awarded separate $10,000 environmental education grants to two Twin Cities non-profit groups to conduct instructional workshops and support energy savings.
The St. Paul affiliate of the National Council on Economic Education will offer workshops in St. Louis and Atlanta for university economics educators and middle school teachers. The sessions will help teachers implement the “Seas, Trees and Economies” lesson plan in their own classrooms.
The other Twin Cities grant to the Alliance for Sustainability, Minneapolis, will support 15 area multi-denominational religious organizations in their quest to save energy, support renewable energy, reduce waste, prevent pollution and improve environmental health through EPA’s Energy Star program.
The Minnesota organizations are among 16 groups in a six-state region that received a total of $194,900 in environmental education grant money from EPA this year. More than 130 proposals were received from groups in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.
EPA grants are awarded yearly under the National Environmental Education Act, which was passed in 1990 to stimulate environmental education through design, demonstration and communications projects conceived by local organizations.
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