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Citizens Coordinating Council Meeting for GE/Pittsfield Project

Release Date: 10/18/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Angela Bonarrigo ([email protected]), Community Affairs Office, (617) 918-1034

For Immediate Release: October 18, 2005; Release # ab051003

The Citizens Coordinating Council for the GE Pittsfield / Housatonic River project will be meeting on October 26th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The meeting will be held at the Berkshire South Community Center, 15 Crissy Rd. in Great Barrington.

This meeting will focus on the proposal from GE for the Interim Media Protection Goals (IMPGs or preliminary cleanup goals) for the Rest of River, which extends beyond Pittsfield south into Connecticut. There will be a presentation about the IMPGs as well as discussion and questions about the use of the IMPGs in the Rest of River decision making process. EPA is seeking informal feedback from the CCC about the GE proposal prior to providing formal comments on the proposal to GE in November. The public is welcome to attend.

The full proposal of IMPGs submitted to EPA by GE can be viewed at Click on Rest of River, and the IMPG proposal is in the section called GE Reports and Documents, towards the bottom of the page.

Related Information:
Cleanup Process
Cleanup in New England
GE/Housatonic River web site