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Pine Crest Preparatory School in Ft. Lauderdale, FL named to EPA Top 20 K-12 Schools Purchasing Most Green Power

Release Date: 10/26/2009
Contact Information: Dawn Harris-Young, (404) 562-8421, [email protected]

(Atlanta, Ga. – Oct. 26, 2009) -- One month into the school year and Pine Crest Preparatory School in Ft. Lauderdale, is making the grade with green power. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that Pine Crest Preparatory School appears on the new Top 20 K-12 Schools List of the largest green power purchasers among primary and secondary schools. Pine Crest Preparatory School is purchasing nearly 500,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually for its Boca Raton Campus building, which is enough green power to meet 77 percent of the building's purchased electricity use. Pine Crest Preparatory School is generating solar electricity on-site and buying renewable energy certificates (RECs) from Carbon Solutions Group.

Pine Crest Preparatory School currently ranks No. 17 on EPA’s Top 20 K-12 Schools List. Pine Crest Preparatory School’s green power usage of nearly 500,000 kWh is equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of more than 60 passenger vehicles per year, or is the equivalent amount of electricity needed to power more than 50 average American homes annually.

For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership released a list of the largest green power purchasers among primary and secondary schools. The Green Power Partnership’s top 20 K-12 schools are buying nearly 113 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, equivalent to the carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) that would be produced from the electricity use of more than 11,000 average American homes.

EPA’s Green Power Partnership works with more than 1,100 partner organizations to voluntarily purchase green power to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity use. Overall, EPA Green Power Partners are buying more than 17 billion kWh of green power annually, equivalent to the CO2 emissions from electricity use of nearly 1.7 million American homes.

Green power is generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, biogas, and low-impact hydropower. Green power electricity generates less pollution than conventional power and produces no net increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

EPA is also updating its other top partner lists, including its National Top 50 Purchasers list. Intel Corporation, PepsiCo, Kohl’s Department Stores, Whole Foods Market, and Dell Inc. continue to rank in the top five overall of green power purchasers.

More information on top 20 list of k-12 schools:

Information on EPA’s Green Power Partnership: