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Atlanta Grows Smarter

Release Date: 11/19/2008
Contact Information: Davina Marraccini, (404) 562-8293, [email protected]

(ATLANTA – November 19, 2008) EPA today recognized the Livable Centers Initiative of the Atlanta Regional Commission and three other organizations selected from across the nation for innovative approaches to development that expand economic opportunity and protect public health and the environment.

"By adopting smart growth approaches, the recipients of the 2008 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement are helping improve the quality of life and the quality of the environment for their residents," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. "This year's award winners are responsibly building toward a healthier, brighter future, and I encourage other communities to follow their fine example."

As communities around the country look for ways to grow that protect and enhance their natural environments and create prosperity, many are turning to smart growth strategies. They are cleaning and reusing previously developed land; providing more housing and transportation choices; preserving critical natural areas; and using a variety of green building techniques. In addition to developing vibrant places to live, work, shop and play, these smart growth strategies also protect the quality of our air, water and land.

Atlanta Regional Commission won the policies and regulations award category for its Livable Centers Initiative, which helps communities meet air quality goals by planning transportation improvements in concert with revitalization of existing development centers and corridors.

This year's competition was open to public and private sector entities. Winners were selected based on how effectively they used smart growth strategies to improve their communities and how well they engaged citizens and fostered partnerships.

EPA created the National Awards for Smart Growth Achievement in 2002 to recognize outstanding approaches to development that benefit the economy, the community, public health, and the environment. Since 2002, EPA has recognized 32 smart growth leaders from among 523 applications representing 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

In addition to presenting the annual awards, the program conducts research and policy analysis on growth issues, provides direct technical assistance to state and local governments, delivers outreach and public education, coordinates EPA's green building efforts, and collaborates with partners in the Smart Growth Network, a coalition of more than 30 state and national organizations focused on development issues.

More information on the winners and EPA's smart growth program:

More information on the Smart Growth Network:

The other award categories and winners are:

Overall Excellence: Silver Spring Regional Center in Montgomery County, Md. for the Downtown Silver Spring Redevelopment Project that united public and private organizations in revitalizing their historic downtown.

Built Projects: Urban Edge Housing Corporation for the Egleston Crossing project, which helped renew a neglected corridor in Boston's Roxbury and Jamaica Plain neighborhoods with two new buildings that used green building techniques and provided new amenities and much-needed affordable housing.

Equitable Development: Mercy Housing California and the San Francisco Housing Authority for the Mission Creek Senior Community project, which transformed a brownfield site into an attractive, mixed-use, low-income senior community.