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$246,149 Grant to Saint Louis University to Study Links between Climate Change and Aquatic Habitat

Release Date: 05/04/2010
Contact Information: Kris Lancaster, (913) 551-7557, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., May 4, 2010) - EPA is awarding $246,149 to Saint Louis University (SLU) in St. Louis, Mo., to predict the impacts of climate change on aquatic biodiversity in U.S. rivers and streams. University professors will develop models to show how water resources could be altered by a changing climate and the potential impacts on freshwater species.

EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks said, “EPA looks for these funds to improve our understanding of the response of aquatic systems to possible climatic changes. Understanding these changes will help us develop strategies to reduce the risk of harmful impacts to water quality and aquatic ecosystems.”

Climate change affects temperature, precipitation, surface radiation, humidity, winds, and sea levels. These changes could affect runoff, groundwater levels and snowmelt, as well as the amounts and quality of water available for drinking, recreation, agriculture, and industrial and energy production.

EPA is investing more than $16 million in Science to Achieve Results grants for 23 universities across the country to characterize the consequences of climate change on allergies, water quality, drinking water and air quality. The grant to Saint Louis University is part of the overall funding.

EPA oversees the protection of water quality and public health. The Agency supports high-quality research by the nation’s leading scientists and engineers that will improve the scientific basis for national environmental decisions.

WHO: EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks, SLU Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Donald Brennan, and Assistant Biology Professor Jason Knouft

WHAT: EPA grant announcement

WHERE: Saint Louis University Busch Student Center, Room 251B, 20 N. Grand Blvd., at the corner of Grand Blvd. and Laclede Avenue

WHEN: 10:30 a.m. Thursday, May 6, 2010

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