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Take Climate Action during State Fair of Texas; Is your environmental footprint bigger than Big Tex?

Release Date: 09/25/2014
Contact Information: Joe Hubbard or Jennah Durant at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

DALLAS – Environmental responsibility is everyone’s responsibility. During this year’s Texas State Fair in Dallas you can be an environmental partner making good choices for the environment. Here are a few tips from EPA to take action and reduce carbon pollution.

Turn off electronics
U.S. households spend $100 per year to power devices not in use. As you head off to the State Fair of Texas, take a minute (or two) to power down all electronics you are not using to reduce carbon pollution and save money.

Save time and money, ride DART
While today’s cars are more efficient and cleaner than older models, they still contribute to carbon pollution. Using DART and leaving your car at home during the fair will help reduce carbon pollution, and is an easy way to cut pollution and save money. Over the past four decades, we have cut air pollution by 70%. Help us do more by taking DART to the State Fair of Texas.

Check tire pressure
If you have to drive to the fair, share the ride with a friend and don’t forget to check your tire pressure. Under-inflation increases tire wear, reduces your fuel economy and leads to higher carbon pollution emissions.

Eat all the great food
13 percent of carbon pollution emissions in the United States are associated with growing, manufacturing, transporting and disposing of food. By reducing the amount of food you waste and throw away, you are actually helping reduce carbon pollution.

Recycling cans and bottles at the fair helps conserve energy and reduces carbon pollution. Many of these products are made using energy-intense processes. Recycling reduces energy and water use – critical to fighting the impacts of climate on communities. We need everyone to do their part.

Spread the word
One of the most powerful things you can do is educate yourself about climate change and talk to your friends and neighbors about the challenge we face. Tell friends to visit to learn more about what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Do your part to share the word and #ActOnClimate.

When we act on climate, we seize an opportunity to retool and resurge with new technologies, new industries and new jobs. We owe it to our kids not just to act, but to lead. When we do, we’ll leave them a cleaner, safer and opportunity-rich world for generations to come.

For more information on the State Fair of Texas visit:

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