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EPA Administrator to Tour Highlands’ Garden Village in Denver as Part of President Obama’s “Clean Energy Week” Activities / Administrator, to be welcomed by Denver Mayor, will highlight new federal partnership to advance sustainable communities

Release Date: 06/22/2009
Contact Information: Betsaida Alcantara, 202-564-1692, 202-564-4355, [email protected]

WASHINGTON – As part of President Obama’s Clean Energy Week, on June 23, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson will join Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper for a tour and a press availability at Highlands’ Gardens Village, a smart growth development community. Colorado is a leader in growing our green economy. The state’s success and innovation on solar, wind, biofuels and energy efficiency is leading the way in our nationwide transition to a clean energy future.

This event comes on the heels of a new interagency announcement between EPA and the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development to help make communities like Highlands’ Garden Village possible all across the nation. As part of a transition to a sustainable green economy, the partnership is focused on the principles of livability, creating communities with improved access to affordable housing, more diverse transportation options, and closer proximity to schools, markets, jobs, and recreation. Highlands’ Garden Village is an EPA award-winning smart growth community.

WHO: EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper

WHAT: Press availability and tour of Highlands’ Garden Village

WHEN: Tuesday, June 23 - 1:45 p.m. MT


WHERE: Highlands’ Garden Village - Gazebo near the entrance, 38th Avenue and Tennyson Street (SW corner).

For more information or to participate in the tour, please contact Richard Mylott at 720-581-8244 or
[email protected].