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Comprehensive Cleanup Plan Proposed for Troy Mills Landfill Superfund Site in Troy, N.H. - Public Meetings Scheduled for July 20 & Aug. 18

Release Date: 07/13/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: David Deegan ([email protected]), EPA Office of Public Affairs, (617) 918-1017

For Immediate Release: July 13, 2005; Release # dd050709

BOSTON - A comprehensive plan for completing the final phase of cleanup at the Troy Mills Landfill Superfund Site is being released for public review and comment. Once completed, EPA anticipates that the cleanup work will cost $2.9 million.

EPA recently completed a multi-million dollar, time-critical removal action at the site to excavate and safely dispose of 7,692 buried drums, 29,924 gallons of flammable liquid waste, 3,099 cubic yards of sludge, and 26,244 tons of heavily contaminated soil. Less contaminated residual soils were left in place and capped with a two-foot permeable soil cap, ensuring that people will not be exposed to hazardous substances.

The proposed cleanup plan, which addresses the remaining groundwater and residual soil contamination at the site, includes the following components:

    • Maintaining the newly constructed permeable soil cap over the drum disposal area to allow precipitation to flow through the cap and facilitate the cleanup of the groundwater. The cap is being vegetated to provide stability and prevent erosion.
    • Allowing naturally occurring processes to continue reducing contaminant concentrations in the groundwater.
    • Capturing any potential free product, called light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), in the existing series of interceptor trenches constructed by EPA in 2003. The LNAPL will be disposed of off-site.
    • Establishing institutional controls that restrict the use of contaminated groundwater for drinking water purposes; restrict excavation activities in the area of the cap; and require notification of any changes in the use of the land.
    • Implementing a comprehensive monitoring and sampling program to evaluate groundwater, surface water, sediment and wetlands at the site to ensure that natural attenuation processes are continuing as expected.
    • Monitoring and maintaining the cap.
An informational public meeting will be held on July 20, and a formal public hearing will be held on August 18. Both meetings will be staffed jointly by personnel from EPA and the N.H. Dept. of Environmental Services. The informational public meeting to present and answer questions about the proposed cleanup plan, and present an update on the drum removal activities at the site, will be on Wed. July 20 at 7:00 p.m. Also during that day, interested residents are invited to stop by EPA's site trailer on Water Street between 3:00 -- 5:00 p.m. to tour the site. The formal public hearing to accept comments on the proposal will be held on Thurs. Aug. 18 at 7:00 p.m. Both the public meeting and public hearing will be held at Meadowood Assembly Hall, on Bowkerville Rd. in Fitzwilliam.

To provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed cleanup plan, a 30-day public comment period will begin July 21 and end on Aug. 19. EPA will consider and respond in writing to all comments received on the cleanup proposal during this public comment period. EPA expects to issue a final cleanup decision later this year.

The Administrative Record, which includes documents that form the basis for EPA's selection of the proposed cleanup plan, will be available for review as of July 21, 2005, at the Gay-Kimball Library and the EPA Records Center, as well as on the world wide web at: .

Gay-Kimball Library
10 South Main Street
Troy, NH
(603) 242-7743

EPA Records Center
1 Congress St.
Boston, MA
(617) 918-1440 (please call to make an appointment)

Comments on the proposed cleanup plan (postmarked no later than Aug. 19, 2005) can be mailed to:
James Chow (HBO)
Remedial Project Manager
One Congress Street
Boston, Massachusetts
Fax (617) 918-1291;
[email protected].

Related Information:
Troy Mills Landfill
Site Fact Sheet

Cleanup Process
Cleanup in New England