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Regulations for Some Types of Gas Turbines on Hold as EPA Weighs Additional Emissions Information

Release Date: 07/01/2004
Contact Information:

John Millett, 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(07/01/04) EPA will delay hazardous air pollutant regulations for some types of natural gas-fired turbines, while the Agency considers further information on emissions and a pending proposal to remove these sources from regulation. With this final action today, EPA has stayed the requirements for new turbines in the lean premix gas-fired turbine and diffusion flame gas-fired turbine subcategories. EPA has not yet made a final decision to delist these subcategories from the regulations. The stay is an interim step that allows EPA additional time to consider the Gas Turbines Association's petition to remove these turbines from air toxics control. The stay will avoid unnecessary expenditures on installation and testing of emission controls, which will not be required if these subcategories of turbines are delisted for regulation. After reviewing the industry's request, and evaluating internal analyses, EPA determined that these subcategories of turbines meet the health and environmental risk criteria for delisting as required by the Clean Air Act. EPA proposed that delisting on April 7, 2004. For more information, visit: