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EPA Halts Sale of Unregistered 'SARS' Pesticide Product

Release Date: 06/27/2003
Contact Information:

John Millet 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(06/27/03) On June 25, the EPA ordered a stop to the sale of six unregistered pesticide products that two affiliated companies claim protect the public from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom (SARS). EPA also requested a voluntary recall of these products from all locations within 30 days. The EPA orders were issued to: Phillips Technologies, LLC of Millersville, Md., for the illegal sale of the SARS Mask Set, SARS Travel Kit, Silver SARS Mask, Phillips Silver Mask, SARS Electrostatic Mask and Silver Spray and to SARS Research Labs of Tampa, Fla. for the same six products. All of these products claimed to kill pathogens, viruses -- including the SARS virus -- bacteria, and fungus. According to the Web site from which these products are offered, SARS Research Labs is an affiliate of Phillips Technologies, LLC. The order goes into effect immediately upon receipt by the company. EPA will be monitoring compliance with the orders and the companies’ voluntary recall. In addition, EPA will continue to examine advertisements on the Internet and other marketing avenues to ensure that no unregistered pesticides are illegally sold to the public. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act prohibits anyone from selling or distributing unregistered pesticides and authorizes EPA to issue orders stopping the sale of illegal products. EPA has an extensive pre-market registration process to ensure that pesticide products that claim to protect public health are effective. Products that make public health claims must be proven effective when used according to label directions.