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Wilco-Winfield, LLC, Oregon pesticide re-packager, settles with EPA for pesticide violations at its Mt. Angel facility

Release Date: 06/12/2014
Contact Information: Mark MacIntyre / EPA-Seattle / 206-553-7302 / [email protected]

(Seattle, WA – June 12, 2014), Wilco-Winfield, LLC, an Oregon pesticide refilling and repackaging company, has reached a settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for alleged violations of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). The action was taken following an inspection conducted by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) in February 2013. As part of the settlement, EPA assessed a $15,360 civil penalty against the company.

While visiting Wilco-Winfield’s Mt. Angel, Oregon, facility, the ODA inspector collected information about pesticide secondary containment and the pesticide containment pad at the facility. ODA then referred the inspection report to EPA for review and further action.

EPA’s review found that the facility lacked an adequate pesticide containment pad. Containment areas and containment pads help protect the environment from spills, drips, and leaks during routine transfers and bulk repackaging. Poor pesticide housekeeping has been linked to structure and soil contamination, often requiring expensive cleanup and decontamination.

As a result of the information generated by the ODA inspection and subsequent EPA review, Wilco-Winfield immediately took steps to correct the deficiencies.

For more about EPA’s Pesticides Container and Containment regulations, visit:

To download a copy of the Consent Agreement and Final Order for Wilco-Winfield, visit: