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Important News Release Distribution Change

Release Date: 08/13/2007
Contact Information: Martin Kessler, (913) 551-7236, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., August 13, 2007) – EPA Region 7, which includes Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, will begin immediately making its news releases available electronically through the Agency’s free e-mail distribution system. News releases will not be sent by fax after Friday, August 17.

Anyone wishing to receive EPA Region 7 news releases may go to our News & Events Web site and click on the link “Get Region 7 news releases by e-mail.” Add your e-mail during the sign-up process, and select the subjects on which you wish to receive releases. You may also choose to receive all release subjects. You will receive an e-mail confirming that you have subscribed successfully.

Please note that releases will come from "U.S. EPA" at the address [email protected]. "" is the name of the company EPA has chosen to provide this service. “Region 7” will be in the subject line of each e-mail and the releases will be in the body of the e-mails in a plain-text format.

We at Region 7 are eagerly looking forward to electronic distribution. We believe it will benefit you and us by getting news releases out more quickly and in a form that you can cut and paste instead of having to retype. As always, news releases will continue to be posted here on the Region 7 Web site.

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