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Caterpillar receives EPA Clean Air Excellence Award

Release Date: 05/13/2009
Contact Information: William Omohundro, 312-353-8254, [email protected]

No. 09-OPA087

(Chicago - May 13, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today recognized Caterpillar Inc. for its outstanding innovative efforts to help make progress in achieving cleaner air. The company was one of 15 recipients from across the nation that received EPA 2008 Clean Air Excellence Awards at a ceremony in Washington, D.C.

Caterpillar was honored for developing its D7E, a revolutionary new bulldozer that consumes 10 to 30 percent less fuel and has 25 percent more dozing efficiency than previous models. The D7E also uses fewer parts and fluids during its useful life. Together, these changes significantly reduce carbon dioxide and gaseous emissions.

The most significant innovation behind this technology is a very compact alternating current electric drive train that replaces the power shift transmission typically used in this size tractor. With this design, Caterpillar has opened the door to new applications for electric drives in construction equipment and to higher productivity and fewer emissions.

"This is the kind of innovative technology we hope to see more of as we move toward a green economy," said EPA Region 5 Acting Administrator Bharat Mathur. "We commend Caterpillar for taking steps to address climate change."

This year's award recipients were selected from 125 applicants and represent achievements in five categories: clean air technology, community action, education and outreach, regulatory policy innovations and outstanding individual achievement. These innovative air quality programs provide environmental benefits and create green products and jobs.

The awards program, established in 2000 at the recommendation of the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, annually recognizes and honors outstanding innovative efforts to help make progress in achieving cleaner air. Award-winning entries must directly or indirectly reduce pollutant emissions, demonstrate innovation, offer sustainable outcomes and provide a model for others to follow.

More on the D7E and all award winners is at

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