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EPA fines Firebird International Raceway $31,851 for hazardous waste violations

Release Date: 10/13/2009
Contact Information: Margot Perez-Sullivan, 415.947.4149 [email protected]

Chandler, Ariz. facility improperly shipped off hazardous waste

SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today fined Firebird International Raceway, a venue that hosts racing events, $31,851 for hazardous waste manifesting and reporting violations.

In July 2006, EPA inspectors discovered four hazardous waste violations at the facility, located at 20000 Maricopa Rd. in Chandler, Arizona.

“Companies must properly store and handle hazardous waste to protect the community, workers and the environment,” said Jeff Scott, director of Waste Programs for the EPA’s Pacific Southwest region. “The EPA will continue to strictly enforce all regulations governing facilities that generate and manage hazardous waste.”

The EPA found the facility failed to send their hazardous wastes off-site using hazardous waste manifests, failed to report the types and amounts of hazardous waste generated in 2003, failed to include all required information in its 2005 report and failed to properly identify hazardous waste.

Firebird International Raceway hosts various racing events throughout the year. The wastes generated from racing events include various types of aerosol cans and used oil contaminated with racing fuels, brake and carburetor cleaners, and other engine fluids.

The EPA’s hazardous waste regulations require facilities to properly store, label and manage hazardous waste generated from their activities. These wastes must then be properly sent, using a hazardous waste manifest, to facilities which are permitted to handle the wastes. Additionally, facilities such as Firebird International Raceway are required to submit reports identifying the types and amounts of hazardous waste generated from their activities to EPA every other year.

For information on hazardous waste, please visit: