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EPA to Inspect Additional Missouri Underground Storage Tanks

Release Date: 02/13/2006
Contact Information: Shawntell Martin, (913) 551-7676, [email protected]

Environmental News


EPA Region 7 will inspect an additional 125 underground storage tank (UST) facilities in Missouri, starting today, to help the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) meet its environmental goals.

Inspections in October 2005 found 30 out of 125 UST facilities out of compliance. EPA issued field citations to the facility owners.

Regional Administrator Jim Gulliford said, “These inspections are necessary to help EPA and MDNR identify problems with underground storage tank systems before they lead to fuel leaks into soil and ground water. EPA shares MDNR’s goal that all UST facilities comply with environmental regulations.”

The federal inspections will give EPA an opportunity to share operations and maintenance requirements and the latest leak technology information with facility owners and operators.

Inspections will take place in Kansas City, St. Joseph, Springfield, Joplin, Jefferson City, Columbia, Sikeston and surrounding areas. They are scheduled to end in April 2006. Some of the facilities inspected last year will be reinspected to verify compliance. EPA will take appropriate enforcement action for continuing violations.

Each facility has been notified by mail and advised of information and records that need to be available for review by the inspectors. Any need to perform additional inspections in other parts of Missouri will be decided later.

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February is National Wild Bird Feeding Month.