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U.S., Canada Join to Cut Freight Industry Emissions and Save Fuel

Release Date: 09/14/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: John Millett, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(9/14/05) A new U.S.-Canada partnership could save up to 440 million gallons of fuel and prevent emissions of an estimated 5 million tons of carbon dioxide -- a greenhouse gas -- per year. To achieve that goal, EPA and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) will coordinate voluntary cross-border projects with the freight industry focusing on idle reduction, deployment of clean technologies, and driver training and awareness.

Suzanne Rudzinski, EPA Director of Transportation and Regional Programs Division, and Anthony Taylor, NRCan Director of Transportation and Energy Use Division, signed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) today at a freight facility near the Ambassador Bridge Border Crossing in Michigan. There are 13 million truck border crossings between Canada and the United States each year, including 3.3 million at the Ambassador Bridge.

The collaboration brings together the complementary strengths of EPA's SmartWay Transport Partnership and NRCan's FleetSmart. SmartWay emphasizes the deployment of innovative technologies. FleetSmart specializes in driver education and training.

Additional information on the MOU and SmartWay is available at:
Additional information on FleetSmart is at: