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Fix-A-Leak Week – Every Drop Counts

Release Date: 03/16/2009
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Anthony Suttice at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – March 16, 2009) More than one trillion gallons of water are wasted in U.S. homes each year from easy-to-fix leaks. That’s why the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense program is sponsoring “Fix a Leak Week,” March 16-20, 2009.
This week is an opportunity to improve the water efficiency of America’s homes by checking for and fixing leaks, which waste an average of 11,000 gallons of water per home each year. That’s more than enough water to fill up a backyard swimming pool.
Here’s how to identify and address leaks around your home:

      - Check your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter changes at all, you probably have a leak.
      - Search for toilet leaks by placing a drop of food coloring in the toilet tank. If any color shows up in the bowl without flushing first, you have a leak. (Be sure to flush immediately to avoid staining the tank.)
      - If you decide it’s time for a new commode or faucet, look for WaterSense labeled products, which use 20 percent less water and perform as well or better than standard models. The vast majority of leaks can be eliminated after retrofitting a household with new WaterSense labeled fixtures and other high-efficiency appliances.
“Water conservation is the most cost-effective and environmentally sound way to reduce our demand for water,” said Miguel Flores, EPA Region 6 Water Quality Protection Division Director. “By making a few small changes to our daily routines, we save a significant amount of water and help conserve water supplies for future generations.”
In the last year, WaterSense labeled products helped consumers save more than 277 million gallons of water and $1.6 million in water and sewer bills. The associated energy reduction from pumping and treating less water was 910,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. This is equivalent to eliminating 710 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually.
The average home, retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures and appliances, can save 30,000 gallons per year. If one out of every ten homes in the U.S. upgraded to water-efficient fixtures, it could save more than 300 billion gallons and nearly $2 billion annually.
Visit the WaterSense Web site to learn more:
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