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EPA Administrator honors Billy Frank Jr.'s courageous environmental leadership

Release Date: 05/05/2014
Contact Information: Hanady Kader, EPA Public Affairs, 206-553-0454, [email protected]

Billy Frank, Jr. was an historic and heroic leader of his generation. With his passing, America has lost one of its greatest voices for justice. Billy has been a close friend and partner to the Environmental Protection Agency over the past four decades, as a member of the Nisqually people, founder of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, and one of the most forward thinking environmental leaders of our time.

His ability to bring together leaders from all sectors to further the protection of critical natural resources resulted in a resurgence of momentum on natural resource conversation, cultural preservation, the protection of fish, treaty rights, and climate change. Through his tireless efforts, as a passionate voice for the protection of our air, water, and land, EPA’s own tribal efforts were strongly influenced in the early 1990’s as we created an office to more directly address Tribal issues across the country. We will, in that spirit, continue working to strengthen our government-to-government relationship and partnership with tribal citizens.

Gina McCarthy

EPA Administrator