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Kentucky Association of General Contractors to Receive Grant for Clean Diesel Construction Program

Release Date: 03/16/2007
Contact Information: Dawn Harris-Young, (404) 562-8421, [email protected]

The first grant in the nation to be awarded to a state Association of General Contractors

(ATLANTA – March 16, 2007) The Kentucky Association of General Contractors (AGC) will receive a $50,000 Southeast Diesel Collaborative grant to implement the Kentucky Clean Diesel Construction Program. The grant provides funding to encourage the use of cleaner equipment by the construction industry statewide. This grant is the first in the nation awarded to a state AGC for a clean diesel construction project and the first awarded under the Southeast Diesel Collaborative partnership.

The Southeast Diesel Collaborative is part of EPA’s National Clean Diesel Campaign, a program combining regulatory measures with voluntary initiatives to reduce the pollution emitted from diesel engines across the country. The goal of the Southeast Diesel Collaborative is to improve air quality by encouraging the use of clean, renewable energy and by reducing diesel emissions from existing engines and equipment from the agriculture, heavy construction and on-road sectors. Visit the Southeast Diesel Collaborative website at and the National Clean Diesel Campaign at .

WHO: EPA Air Quality Modeling and Transportation Section Chief Scott Davis; Congressman Geoff Davis; Kentucky Division of Air Quality John Lyons; Kentucky Association of General Contractors Executive Vice President Richard Vincent and Kentucky Association of General Contractors Assistant Executive Director Vice President John Brazel

WHAT: Southeast Diesel Collaborative grant

WHEN: March 19, 2007 at 10:00 P.M.

WHERE: 277 Buttermilk Pike
Fort Mitchell, Kentucky