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U.S., Japan Partner to Promote Clean Development and Reduce Emissions

Release Date: 03/23/2006
Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. – March 23, 2006) Representatives of two of the world's largest economies met this week to discuss ways to improve air quality and promote clean energy, energy security, and economic opportunities at home and abroad. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Japanese partners explored options for collaborating on projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally and encourage sustainable development.

"President Bush and the EPA are helping turn strong economic partners into strong environmental partners," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. "By exporting our successes, this U.S.–Japan partnership can help developing countries understand that environmental protection and economic progress can, and do, go hand in hand."

The meeting was supported by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, Japan-based Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and EPA. Participants agreed to strengthen international cooperation on actions that will simultaneously reduce emissions of global greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, particularly in developing countries. EPA showcased its experience in voluntary programs to reap environmental benefits, including the Landfill Methane Outreach Program and the Integrated Environmental Strategies Program, among others.

"It is important for the U.S. and Japan to collaborate to help developing countries implement projects to generate co-benefits, such as public health benefits, and better air and water quality, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions," said Japanese Vice Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Mr. Toshiro Kojima.

The U.S.-Japan partnership supports the recently launched Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate that promotes projects and programs to protect the environment, improve public health, and enhance economic growth worldwide. EPA also plays a critical role in the success of the international Methane to Markets Partnership, of which Japan is also a charter member.

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