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EPA provides D.C. with $1.2 million to control polluted runoff

Release Date: 08/13/2007
Contact Information: Roy Seneca, [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (August 13, 2007) The U.S Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $1.2 million grant to help control pollution from storm water runoff in the District of Columbia.

The grant, which goes to the D.C. Department of Environment(s non-point source program, will be combined with about $800,000 in local funding for a total award of $2 million.

“EPA is pleased to be a partner in the district(s aggressive approach to cleaning up waterways in and around our nation(s capitol. This funding supports projects that are vital to protect and improve water quality for drinking water, recreational activities and to preserve the natural habitat,” said Donald S. Welsh, administrator for EPA(s mid-Atlantic region.

Storm water pollution ( sometimes called non-point source pollution ( is caused by rainfall or snowmelt moving over or through the ground and carrying natural or human-made pollutants into lakes, streams, rivers, oceans and other water bodies.

The funding will support several projects with specific emphasis on urban sections of the Anacostia River. Projects will include designing and installing low impact development projects to control runoff, and conducting stream restoration work on waterways that have been damaged by runoff.