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EPA, WDNR propose change to Fox River cleanup plan; comment period begins; meeting Dec. 5

Release Date: 11/13/2006
Contact Information: (EPA) Mick Hans, (312) 353-5050, [email protected] (EPA) Susan Pastor, (312) 353-1325, [email protected] (WDNR) Greg Swanson, (608) 264-6024

CHICAGO (Nov. 13, 2006) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources have proposed a modification to the current cleanup plan for PCB-contaminated sediment in Wisconsin's Lower Fox River.

A comment period on the proposed cleanup plan revisions ends Jan. 11, 2007. A public meeting to explain the changes and accept oral and written comments will be held at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 5., at the Brown County Library, 515 Pine St., Green Bay.

The proposed plan builds on the current plan for Operable Units 2 - 5, taking advantage of the benefits of both dredging and capping to minimize further PCB-contamination impacts on the river system.

New information collected during the engineering design process has led EPA and WDNR to consider changes to the plan to make it more efficient and cost effective while maintaining protection to human health and the environment. Dredging would still be used to remove most of the PCBs in the river, but engineered in-river caps and sand covers would also be used to accommodate the limitations of dredging. This new plan would result in lower PCB concentrations after cleanup, and would be completed sooner than the original plan. The proposed plan also allows for more customized cleanup activities to meet the specific conditions of much smaller areas.

EPA and WDNR could modify the proposed changes, choose a new plan, or not change the cleanup decision at all based on public comments. If approved, the revised cleanup plan will be issued in spring 2007.

A detailed fact sheet with a comment form has been posted at It has also been sent to EPA's Fox River mailing list. Residents with questions or who need special accommodations at the meeting may contact EPA community involvement coordinator Susan Pastor, (800) 621-8431, Ext. 31325.

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