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Three Pacific Northwest Facilities Accepted to EPA Performance Track Program

Release Date: 8/24/2005
Contact Information: Bill Glasser
[email protected]
(206) 553-7215

Three Pacific Northwest Facilities Accepted to EPA Performance Track Program

SEATTLE, Wash. – August 24 , 2005 – Fort Lewis Public Works, Louisiana-Pacific Hines Engineered Wood Products, and Georgia-Pacific Resins, Inc., Albany, Oregon were named members of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Environmental Performance Track program, joining more than 350 facilities in their commitment to environmental stewardship. Performance Track rewards facilities that voluntarily exceed regulatory requirements, implement systems for improving environmental management, work with their communities, and set three-year goals for improvements in environmental performance. Only facilities with a record of sustained compliance with environmental requirements are eligible to participate in this program.
“Performance Track members are at the forefront of innovation and environmental stewardship, fundamentally strengthening the relationship between business and government,” said EPA Administrator Steve Johnson.
To date, Performance Track members have collectively reduced their water use by 1.3 billion gallons and their generation of solid waste by nearly 970,000 tons, increased their use of reused or recycled materials by nearly 77,000 tons, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 67,000 tons of carbon dioxide.
EPA and state partner agencies reviewed the applications for sustained compliance with environmental regulations. The facilities qualified for the program through their past achievements, continuous commitment to environmental improvement, and implementation of strong Environmental Management Systems. Over the next three years, the facilities have committed to specific beyond compliance environmental improvements including the conservation of 750 acres of oak woodlands and prairies habitat at Fort Lewis; reducing water use by over one million gallons at Louisiana-Pacific, Hines Engineered Wood Products; and decreasing procurement packaging by over 6,000 pounds at Georgia-Pacific Resins, Inc., Albany, Oregon.
As part of Performance Track, the new Pacific Northwest facilities are eligible for numerous program benefits including EPA recognition, national and local networking opportunities, and regulatory and administrative incentives which cut paperwork, increase flexibility, and help facilities focus on environmental improvement.
For more information about Performance Track, visit the website below or call 1-888-339-PTRK.

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