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For Earth Day, Have a Greenversation

Release Date: 04/22/2008
Contact Information: Jeffrey Levy, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]; En español, Lina Younes (202) 564-4355, younes. [email protected]

(4/22/08) Want an insider's look at what it takes to protect America's environment and human health? Check out EPA's new blog, "Greenversations," authored by EPA employees stationed around the country.

Encouraging environmental dialogue, Greenversations features EPA employees sharing their unique perspective on environmentalism and personal experiences in protecting and improving our nation's water, land, and air. Bloggers will give a behind-the-scenes look at activities that are often not publicized but greatly affect how the agency protects our environment. Readers of Greenversations are in turn encouraged to comment on blog entries, entering into green conversations.

With its launch, Greenversations replaces "Flow of the River," a blog written by EPA Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock. Mr. Peacock will continue to blog, joining other employees on Greenversations.

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