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2007 Children's Environmental Health Workshop: Discover, Treat, Prevent, Prepare

Release Date: 10/10/2007
Contact Information: Suzanne Ackerman, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - Oct. 10, 2007) Learn about the latest research related to children's exposure to plasticizers, environmental management for asthma prevention and care, and more! In recognition of 10 years of federal efforts to protect children's environmental health, researchers and physicians from the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units of North America and the EPA/NIEHS Children's Environmental Health Centers will discuss the latest research findings on children's health and their practical applications in community settings. This anniversary provides the children's environmental health community with an opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been made and to formulate our vision for the future of children's environmental health. The workshop is sponsored by the EPA, CDC, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics.


2007 Children's Environmental Health Workshop: Discover, Treat, Prevent, Prepare

Thursday, Oct. 11, 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. EDT
Friday, Oct. 12, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EDT

Hamilton Crowne Plaza
1001 14th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005

Howard Frumkin, MD, MPH, DrPH, Director, National Center for Environmental Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC)

Elaine Faustman, PhD, Director, Center for Child Environmental Health Risks Research

Larry Selzer, President and CEO, Conservation Fund – Keynote Speaker

Maida P. Galvez, MD MPH, Mount Sinai PEHSU, and Mount Sinai Center for Inner City Toxics and Children's Health

Marie Lynn Miranda, PhD, Director, Duke University Southern Center for Environmentally-Driven Disparities in Birth Outcomes

More information about the workshop and agenda: