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U.S. Senate Confirms Four EPA Appointees

Release Date: 11/23/2004
Contact Information:

Contact: Rich Hood 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C.-November 23, 2004) On Nov. 19, 2004, the United States Senate confirmed four presidential appointees to senior positions within the Environmental Protection Agency. Stephen Johnson, deputy administrator; Ann Klee, general counsel; Charles Johnson, chief financial officer; and Benjamin Grumbles, assistant administrator for the office of water.

“These confirmations help solidify my executive team,” said EPA Administrator Mike Leavitt. “Each of them brings incredible talent, dedication and experience, as well as seasoned judgment, to the Agency."

Stephen L. Johnson – Deputy Administrator
Stephen L. Johnson was sworn in as EPA deputy administrator in August 2004 upon a recess appointment by President George W. Bush. Along with EPA Administrator Mike Leavitt, Mr. Johnson oversees the implementation and enforcement of all of the nation’s environmental laws and regulations, as well as EPA’s 18,000 employees and $8 billion budget. Prior to being named acting deputy administrator in July 2003, he spent more than two years as assistant administrator of the Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. He has more than 20 years of EPA service.

Ann Klee – General Counsel
Ann R. Klee was sworn in as EPA’s General Counsel in May 2004 upon a recess appointment by President George W. Bush. She is responsible for providing legal analysis and guidance to the administrator and the agency’s program offices. Prior to joining EPA, Ms. Klee was counselor to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior. She has served as chief counsel to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, counsel to the Senate Subcommittee on Drinking Water, Fisheries and Wildlife, and as a partner in the law firm of Preston, Gates & Ellis.

Charles Johnson – Chief Financial Officer
Charles E. Johnson is EPA’s chief financial officer. Mr. Johnson will oversee EPA’s more than $8 billion operating budget. He is also responsible for developing, managing and supporting a goals-based management system within the Agency. Prior to joining EPA, Mr. Johnson was president of Huntsman Cancer Foundation and vice president of Huntsman LLC. He also served as a member of the Utah State Board of Regents and was chief of staff to Utah Governor Michael O. Leavitt from 1992 to 1997.

Benjamin Grumbles – Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water
Benjamin H. Grumbles is EPA’s assistant administrator for the office of water. He oversees the agency’s water quality activities, which represent a coordinated effort to restore the nation’s waters. Prior to being appointed acting assistant administrator for water, Mr. Grumbles served as deputy assistant administrator of water and acting associate administrator for the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations. Prior to joining EPA, he was deputy chief of staff and environmental counsel for the House Science Committee.