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Science Advisory Board Review of Draft Guidance for Assessing Risks from Early-life Exposure to Carcinogens

Release Date: 03/03/2004
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819 / [email protected]

(03/03/04) To continually review and refine EPA’s key scientific health risk assessment tools, the Science Advisory Board (SAB) has completed its review of the Agency’s “Draft Supplemental Guidance For Assessing Cancer Susceptibility From Early-Life Exposure To Carcinogens” (Supplemental Guidance). The SAB was established by Congress in 1978 to provide independent advice on scientific and technical information underlying Agency policies and regulations, and is comprised of outside experts from academia, industry, and environmental communities. EPA prepared the Supplemental Guidance to separately review the risks to children, as it is possible that in certain health areas children’s risks may be higher than those of adults. This review was conducted by a Review Panel composed of members of the SAB board, EPA’s Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel and EPA’s Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee. To read the report, go to: and click on “Recent Additions.”