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Clean Water State Revolving Fund 2004 Annual Report Proven Integrity and Performance

Release Date: 05/25/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Stacie Keller, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(05/25/05) EPA is releasing its 2004 annual report on the Clean Water State Revolving Fund highlighting program activities and successes through the past 15 years. The fund is the largest federal funding program for water infrastructure projects across the country. The Proven Integrity and Performance report provides an overview of the fund, describes its financial status and economic and environmental performance, and discusses new directions for the future.

Since it was created in 1988, the fund has provided low-interest loans targeting a wide range of projects in areas like wastewater treatment, non-point source pollution control, estuary management, and a host of projects focusing on water quality.

The report provides an in-depth look at how the fund operates and describes projects it has financed that help protect and improve the nation's water quality. This first report established a system for reporting for long into the future. To expand use of the fund to support a sustainable nationwide water infrastructure, the agency hopes that the successes the report documents will attract new borrowers to the program.

You can view and download the report at: .