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EPA Celebrates Earth Day Throughout April with New Web and Multimedia Features

Release Date: 03/31/2008
Contact Information: David Twomey, (202) 564-5403 / [email protected]

(3/31/08) How can you reduce your carbon footprint, make your home or business water efficient or make sure our nation's beaches stay clean this summer? April 22 is Earth Day and this year, EPA is launching several online initiatives throughout the month of April to help raise environmental awareness.

  • Green TipsSign up for daily environmental tips via e-mail ( Also, download the Green Tip "widget" to use on your social networking site or blog.
  • Audio Podcasts – Twice per week during the month of April, listen to EPA's experts discuss ways you can reduce your environmental footprint ( The podcasts will be available for download on EPA's home page and also available for free subscription on iTunes.
  • "Green Scene" – EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson will host the latest edition of the agency's new online video series. The administrator discusses Earth Day 2008, the importance of environmental stewardship and the agency's accomplishments (
  • Historical Video – The history of EPA and why it was created, as told by all nine former administrators, will be available in two separate videos on EPA's multimedia portal (
  • Special Events – Multimedia coverage of the annual Presidential Environmental Youth Awards (PEYA) and People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) Competition will be available for public viewing following the events (
  • Photo Contest– Help choose the winner. We chose 30 finalists from nearly 750 photos (see contest:
  • Ask EPA – Molly O'Neill, EPA's Chief Information Officer and Assistant Administrator for Environmental Information will host an online discussion on April 24th at 2 p.m EDT. Molly will highlight the agency's National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information and take ideas for improving access, including suggestions to improve EPA's homepage (for more information: