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EPA Sampling Results announced for Capital City Plume Site in Montgomery, AL

Release Date: 10/26/2011
Contact Information: James Pinkney, 404-562-9183, [email protected]

(Atlanta, Ga. – October 26, 2011) Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the sampling results for part of a remedial investigation of the Capital City Plume site in Montgomery, AL.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and EPA collected samples of indoor air, outdoor soil gas, and an indoor water sample in August 2011 in downtown Montgomery, Alabama, at two locations considered to be potential source areas for the Capital City Plume site. The major findings at both locations are listed below:

Montgomery County Annex III Building and Surrounding Area

    1. Samples of air collected from multiple locations inside the current Montgomery County Annex III Building (previously occupied by the Montgomery Advertiser) indicate ongoing vapor intrusion by compounds such as perchloroethylene (PCE). However, these contaminants were detected at levels below the USEPA’s long-term recommended remediation levels and pose no unacceptable risk to humans. EPA will conduct two additional rounds of indoor air quality sampling over the next two calendar quarters to monitor for any changes in indoor air quality.
      2. Widespread PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination was measured in soil-gas samples collected outside of the Annex III building. Contamination by PCE also was detected beneath the building. Additional soil-gas samples will be collected over time at a dedicated soil-gas sampling network installed near the Annex.

    Department of Public Safety Building and Surrounding Area
      1. Samples of air collected from multiple locations inside the current Department of Public Safety Building indicate the detection of various contaminants. However, these contaminants were detected at levels below the USEPA’s long-term recommended remediation levels and pose no unacceptable risk to humans. The State of Alabama has suggested that some of the contaminant detections may be related to recent building renovations, and they have committed to remediate the suspected source of contamination.
        2. PCE, TCE, benzene, and toluene contamination was detected in soil-gas samples collected outside of the northern part of the building. This contamination may represent the use and disposal of solvents related to previous activities conducted at what appears to be an abandoned laboratory. A water sample collected from a drain inside the laboratory contained TCE.
        Next Steps
          1. EPA is collecting samples from monitoring wells during the week of October 24. The EPA will communicate the results of these samples when analysis is complete.
            2. EPA will hold a public information session on Thursday, November 3rd, from 6-8 p.m. at the Montgomery Public Library located at 245 High Street. This session will have an open format, and the public is welcome anytime during the two-hour session to discuss site-related topics with members of EPA, USGS, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

          For more information about the site, please visit: