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EPA Awards $39,327 to American Lung Association of CA to Improve Indoor Air Quality, Asthma Management in San Diego Schools

Release Date: 10/16/2012
Contact Information: Nahal Mogharabi, [email protected], 213-244-1815

Part of $1.2 Million Awarded Nationwide

LOS ANGELES – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently awarded $39,327 to the American Lung Association of California (ALA CA) to improve air quality as well as student asthma self-management skills in low-income schools in San Diego, Calif.

With this funding, ALA CA will provide indoor environmental asthma trigger training for more than 300 children with asthma in 20 schools that bear the greatest asthma burden in San Diego. The funding will also help schools in San Diego establish indoor air quality management programs consistent with the practices of the EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools program.

“EPA is proud to be working with our awardees across the nation to improve the air we breathe at school, work and home,” said Gina McCarthy, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. “American communities face serious health and environmental challenges from air pollution. This effort gives us an opportunity to improve indoor air quality by increasing awareness of environmental health risks.”

Today’s funding is part of a combined $1.2 million in funding to 32 state and local governments, tribes, and non-profit organizations to improve indoor air quality, which will better protect the health of Americans in classrooms, communities and homes across the country.

Education projects, training and outreach efforts supported by the funding will help reduce the environmental health risks of indoor air contaminants such as radon and asthma triggers. From organizing and training speakers on how to educate parents of children with asthma, to providing technical assistance that will help school districts develop indoor air quality management plans, these projects will help protect children and families. EPA emphasized selecting projects that assist low income and minority families that are disproportionately impacted by poor indoor air quality.

Indoor air pollutants in homes, buildings, and schools can negatively impact the health of occupants. Some pollutants cause health problems such as sore eyes, burning in the nose and throat, headaches or fatigue. Others can cause worsen allergies, respiratory illnesses (such as asthma) or even cancer.

October is Children’s Health Month. EPA’s mission to protect human health and the environment requires us to continue to pay special attention to the vulnerabilities of children, and especially to children living in disadvantaged communities.

More information about Indoor Air Assistance Agreements:

For more information on Children’s Health Month, please visit:
