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Pulaski Furniture Corp. Settles Clean Air Act Violations at Virginia Plant

Release Date: 4/6/2005
Contact Information: Donna Heron, 215-814-5113

Donna Heron, 215-814-5113

PHILADELPHIA – Pulaski Furniture Corporation has settled alleged Clean Air Act violations at the company’s manufacturing plant in Pulaski, Va., the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today.

Under a consent agreement with EPA, Pulaski will pay a $56,558 penalty for excess emissions of particulate matter, in violation of the facility=s state-issued Clean Air Act operating permit. Particulate emissions have been linked to asthma and other respiratory ailments, and pose particular risks for children and the elderly. Particulate pollution also leads to reduced visibility. For more information on particulate matter and its regulations, visit

In March 2003, EPA directed Pulaski to perform particulate stack testing on the facility’s two wood-fired boilers. After the June 2003 stack testing of one boiler showed particulate emissions above permit limits, Pulaski implemented an EPA-approved compliance plan including boiler repairs and re-testing. Stack testing in early 2004 showed that both boilers were in compliance with particulate emission limits.

The settlement penalty in this case reflects the company’s compliance efforts and cooperation with EPA in resolving this matter. As part of the settlement, the company has neither admitted nor denied liability for the alleged Clean Air Act violations.

