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New Mexico Organization Awarded EPA Environmental Justice Grant

Release Date: 03/24/2009
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Anthony Suttice at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

Group expects to increase awareness on state permitting process for tribal communities

(Dallas, Texas – March 24, 2009) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded the American Indian Law Center of Albuquerque, New Mexico, $20,000 as part of the EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Program. The American Indian Law Center will implement a project to increase tribal community outreach and education on state permitting processes and environmental justice. The center’s goal for this project includes publishing workshop material highlighting the environmental justice program and the state natural resources and environmental permitting process.

The EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Program awards community-based organizations with funding for projects in low-income communities on environmental and public health issues such as exposure to toxins, farm worker pesticide protection, fish consumption, indoor air quality, drinking water contamination, and pollution from shipping ports. Nationally, EPA awarded $800,000 in local grants for environmental improvements.

Financial assistance under the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program is available to all non-profit organizations designated by the IRS or recognized by the state, territory, commonwealth or tribe in which it is located. The funding is to help affected communities develop strategic solutions to their environmental justice issues and to achieve community health and sustainability.

Since 1994, EPA has provided more than $32 million to an estimated 1,100 community-based organizations that are committed to protect human health and the environment.

Additional information on environmental justice grants is available at

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