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Green Power: EPA Walks the Talk

Release Date: 03/23/2006
Contact Information: Robert Zachariasiewicz, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - March 23, 2006) In a case of practicing what they preach, today EPA announced 100 percent of its power consumption at its Washington, D.C. headquarters will be supplied by green, renewable power. In addition, the vast majority of energy at over 30 regional and laboratory facilities will come from sustainable sources.

"America's energy supply tomorrow requires action today," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. "For 35 years, EPA has been greening our nation's landscape. By committing to alternative, renewable power sources, the agency is meeting the President's call to green our nation's energy."

EPA has contracted to purchase nearly 260 million kilowatt hours of green power each year for 10 of the agency's offices and 21 laboratories, which places the agency among the top three green-power consumers in the country. Only the U.S. Air Force and Whole Foods Markets buy more green power.

Green power is energy generated from renewable sources. Energy for the EPA Green Power Purchase Program include sources such as biogas (methane from landfills), biomass (plant-derived material), geothermal, and wind.

Green power is as simple as flicking on a light switch and as complex as the power grid that it feeds. Depending on location, the agency may buy green-power electricity from the local supplier, or purchase "green tags." These tags allow EPA to support green-power production in a distant location. The idea is to displace traditional generation, stoke the rise of alternate energy sources and short-circuit the pressure for new power plants.

Since 1999, EPA's commitment to green power has grown to cover approximately 88 percent of the agency's national electrical consumption.

EPA is a leading member and co-founder of the Green Power Partnership. EPA's Green Power Purchase Program was awarded the Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management in 2004.

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