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Environmental Information Exchange Grants Awarded New Network will Transform EPA Data Exchange

Release Date: 10/29/2003
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819 / [email protected]

(10/29/03) To simplify the sharing of environmental data, grants for continued work on the National Environmental Information Exchange Network were announced today by Acting Administrator Marianne Horinko. Forty-three states, two U.S. territories, and 16 Native American tribes received approximately $20 million in grants in the second phase of fiscal year 2003 funding. When complete, the Exchange Network will revolutionize the way states, tribes and other partners send information to EPA. States and other partners will no longer have to spend time and dollars to resolve hardware or data incompatibility problems in order to transfer data - - they will not have to transmit the data at all. Instead they will establish nodes, special computers where they will store their environmental data, and EPA will collect the data using a universal format software language.

“I am so pleased to announce these grants today,” said Horinko. “For too long, states and other EPA partners have shouldered a disproportionate share of the work and costs of exchanging environmental data. EPA needs timely environmental information to make informed policy decisions. And the American public is entitled to view important environmental information on their communities. The federal government will be able to obtain needed information without the states and other partners incurring high costs.”

The creation of the Exchange Network is also part of the eGovernment Initiative of the President’s Management Agenda, which mandates that the federal government take full advantage of modern information technology to make data more accessible to citizens and other interested parties. This initiative further encourages collaboration between federal, state, local and tribal affiliates in sharing technology to leverage limited state and tribal dollars. EPA anticipates that Congress will continue to fund the grant program for a third year in FY 2004.

The Network Grant Program includes four types of grants:
1. Network One Stop Grants continue the work accomplished under the One Stop Program, which awarded grants to states that had already committed significant state resources to data management and reporting improvements.
      2. Network Readiness Grants foster network participation, such as node development, assignment of data stewardship roles and responsibility, establishment of trading partner agreements, and internal data clean up.
      3. Network Challenge Grants are for collaborative work that advances the Exchange Network, including projects that result in a higher level of quality data, reduce reporting burden, or provide increased public access to the data.
      4. Network Administration Grants are to support State/Tribal technical and administrative functions of the Network.

More information on the different types of grants and EPA’s National Environmental Information Exchange Network is available at:

A complete list of the grantees is attached.

FY 2003 Exchange Network Grant Program
Office of Environmental Information
Final Awards - September 2003
Challenge State Grants
California - Environmental Protection Agency
Delaware - Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Maine - Department of Environmental Protection
Total Challenge State Grants: 3
Challenge Tribe Grants
Board of Regents for and on behalf of Northern Arizona University - Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes - Native Lands and Resources
Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma - Office of Environmental Services
Coeur D'Alene Tribe of the Coeur D'Alene Reservation, Idaho - Tribal GIS Program
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, Washington - Environmental Protection Agency
Shoshone and Arapaho Tribes of the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming - Wind River Environmental Quality Commission
Total Challenge Tribe Grants: 6
Readiness State Grants
Arizona - Department of Environmental Quality
California - Environmental Protection Agency
Delaware - Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Florida - Department of Environmental Protection
Georgia - Department of Natural Resources
Idaho - Department of Environmental Quality
Illinois - Environmental Protection Agency
Iowa - Department of Natural Resources
Kansas - Department of Health and Environment
Louisiana - Department of Health and Hospitals
Maine - Department of Environmental Protection
Maryland - Department of the Environment
Massachusetts - Department of Environmental Protection
Michigan - Department of Environmental Quality
Minnesota - Pollution Control Agency
Mississippi - Department of Environmental Quality
Missouri - Department of Natural Resources
Montana - Department of Environmental Quality
Nebraska - Department of Environmental Quality
New Hampshire - Department of Environmental Services
New Jersey - Department of Environmental Protection
New Mexico - Environment Department
New York - State Department of Environmental Conservation
North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Ohio - Environmental Protection Agency
Oklahoma - Department of Environmental Quality
Oregon - Department of Environmental Quality
Pennsylvania - Department of Environmental Protection
Rhode Island - Department of Environmental Management
South Carolina - Department of Health and Environmental Control
Texas - Commission on Environmental Quality
Utah - Department of Environmental Quality
Vermont - Agency of Natural Resources
Virginia - Department of Environmental Quality
Washington - Department of Ecology
West Virginia - Department of Health and Human Resources
Wisconsin - Department of Natural Resources
Total Readiness State Grants: 37
Readiness Territory Grants
Guam - Environmental Protection Agency
Puerto Rico - Environmental Quality Board
Total Readiness Territory Grants: 2
Readiness Tribe Grants
Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oregon - Tribal Planning Department
Hualapai Indian Tribe of the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona - Department of Natural Resources
Navajo Nation Arizona, New Mexico and Utah - Environmental Protection Agency
St. Regis Band of Mohawk Indians of New York - Environment Division
Total Readiness Tribe Grants: 4
One Stop State Grants
Alabama - Department of Environmental Management
Colorado - Department of Public Health and Environment
District of Columbia - Department of Health
Hawaii - Department of Health
North Dakota - Department of Health
South Dakota - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Wyoming - Department of Environmental Quality
Total One Stop State Grants: 7
One Stop Tribe Grants
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians of the Bad River Reservation, Wisconsin - Tribal Government
Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota, Grand Portage Band - Grand Portage Reservation Trust Lands: Natural Resources
Cortina Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians of California - Environmental Protection Agency
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California - Tribal Environmental Programs
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the La Jolla Reservation, California - Environmental Resources Office
Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho - Land Services
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community of the Salt River Reservation, Arizona - Cultural and Environmental Services
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska - Environmental Protection Department
Total One Stop Tribe Grants: 8
Network Administration Grant
Environmental Council of the States
Total Network Administration Grants: 1
Summary 2003 Network Grant Awards
Total Number of Grants