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2004 Integrated Risk Information System Agenda;

Release Date: 02/12/2004
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2004 Integrated Risk Information System Agenda

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819/[email protected]

02/12/2004 - To provide the public with more information on the activities of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program, EPA has announced the annual IRIS agenda for 2004. This notice lists chemical assessments completed in 2003, ongoing evaluations and new chemicals to be reviewed in 2004. In deciding which chemicals to review each year, EPA considers the following factors: statutory, regulatory or program needs; the availability of new scientific information that could change the current IRIS data; and interest to other levels of government and the public. The 2004 IRIS Agenda also discusses steps EPA is taking to improve the quality, consistency and timeliness of IRIS assessments. EPA will hold public peer review meetings in 2004 in response to recommendations for greater public input. IRIS is an electronic database of human health effects that may result from exposure to chemical substances in the environment; and is an important source of information for EPA risk assessments, decision-making and regulatory activities. IRIS currently contains information on more than 500 chemical substances, including quantitative and qualitative information on non-cancer and cancer effects. IRIS has become an important scientific resource outside of EPA, with more than 16,000 daily queries to the IRIS data base, including queries from 80 countries. IRIS summaries for all substances listed as on-going assessments are available at: . To read the Federal Register notice, go to: . External peer review drafts of IRIS documents can also be accessed from the “What’s New” page of the IRIS web site: .