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Ice Cream Manufacturer in Hagerstown, Md. Settles Chemical Reporting Violations

Release Date: 04/20/2009
Contact Information: Contact: Donna Heron 215-814-5113 / [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (April 20, 2009) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it has settled a violation of the federal chemical reporting law with Conopco, Inc., doing business as Unilever Ice Cream, 1100 Frederick St., Hagerstown, Md. The facility manufactures ice cream and frozen desserts.

The action settles a violation to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) by failing to file a required report of one hazardous chemical - sulfuric acid - at the Hagerstown, Md. facility.

EPCRA requires companies that store hazardous chemicals in quantities greater than specific thresholds to submit a chemical inventory form with state and local emergency response agencies and the local fire departments. In this case Conopco had on-site at its facility 2,400 pounds of sulfuric acid in forklift batteries, a quantity that is greater than the minimum allowable amount of 500 pounds, and omitted including sulfuric acid on its 2005, 2006, and 2007 chemical inventory forms.

The company has agreed to pay a civil penalty of $19,028.10.

EPCRA allows federal, state and local emergency planners to be prepared in the event of an environmental emergency by having accurate information on chemicals. For more information, go to:
