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EPA Compliance Assistance Centers Celebrate Ten Years Helping Americans Meet Environmental Regulations

Release Date: 09/06/2006
Contact Information: Dave Ryan, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - September 6, 2006) EPA-sponsored, Web-based Compliance Assistance Centers are celebrating ten years of helping regulated facilities, particularly small businesses and local governments, understand and meet environmental regulations. In a decade, the number of centers has grown from 3 to 14, and together they attract more than one million visitors a year. In a recent centers' survey, 78 percent of regulated businesses and governments said they had improved their environmental management practices as a result of using the critical information provided by the centers.

The original centers supported the printing, metal finishing and automotive service and repair sectors. EPA has since funded centers for chemical manufacturers, local government, printed wiring board manufacturers, transportation, agriculture, paints and coatings, federal facilities, automotive recyclers, construction, US/Mexico/Canada border issues, and health care sectors.

"Visit all Compliance Assistance Centers:

EPA invites you to share your thoughts on the Centers by responding to a quick survey by September 8th: