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Suquamish Students to be Presented President's Environmental Youth Award For Pond Development

Release Date: 10/20/2003
Contact Information: Jeff Philip
[email protected]
(206) 553-1465

October 21, 2003

A group of students earned recognition from President George W. Bush and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for turning a water runoff basin into an educational marshland. EPA Acting Administrator Marianne Horinko presented the students with the President's Environmental Youth Award in a ceremony today at the EPA offices in Washington, D.C. The fourth and fifth grade students from Suquamish Elementary School in North Kitsap, known as the A Pond Kids, @ were recruited to serve as the Student Advisory Board to engage all the students of the school in transforming the fenced off gully into a wetland habitat.

In the spring of 2000, a small group of Suquamish Elementary students, staff and volunteers, in partnership with the Suquamish Indian Tribe, began the planning to transform the water run-off area of the parking lot into a marshland. The Basket Marsh is now an environmental center that weaves together all the subjects studied in school - reading, writing, art, math, and science. It also serves as a common place to learn about the native culture of the area and respect for differences. Nature and native cultures influenced the created environment.

The President's Environmental Youth Awards program -- celebrating 32 years of recognizing student excellence and achievement -- has two components: the regional certificate program and the national awards competition. Regional certificates from the President of the United States are awarded by each of the ten EPA regions. One outstanding project from each region is presented with a Presidential plaque at an EPA sponsored award ceremony. Youth of any age - from kindergarten through high school - can enter as individuals, or as a group. Young people from around the country are invited annually to participate in the awards program which is aimed at encouraging individuals, school classes, summer camps, public interest groups, and youth organizations to promote environmental awareness and positive community involvement.

For more information on the President's Environmental Youth Awards:

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